I Feel Like the Forgotten Psych Patient in Med Debates


I don’t want to interfere with anyone’s desire to try or continue taking psychiatric medications. Depression, anxiety, manic states, intrusive thoughts, and more cause suffering and are hard to manage. Certainly, I tried finding my help there, and these days lots of people defend that choice, rightfully so, but I feel forgotten. Why? It seems if I'm not in the absolutely defending taking psych meds group then I must be in the attacking group.

I took psych drugs for a long, long time. I followed each psychiatrist’s instruction, believing the drugs could provide relief, and they didn’t. But still I tried. I tried more and more, in and out of psych units and psychiatrists’ offices and therapists’ offices and therapy groups, and yet I progressively became worse. How is that so, and yet no mental health professional stepped in to evaluate what the heck was going on there?

There’s no clear answer, but now, after sometimes wild, sometimes debilitating withdrawal, I don’t take psych meds. Things are going okay.

I write about my experiences, and part of that is my own recovery, and part of that is because I feel a responsibility to tell others that psych medicating rolling out over the years like mine did makes no sense and is frankly unacceptable.

Often, for my efforts, I might be classified as anti-psychiatry, lumped in with radical conspiracy theorists, or called a pill-shamer, or told I’m dangerous as I might keep people away from seeking needed help.

Don’t ignore your mental health, and any way you feel comfortable treating it, on my account.

But please, consider and respect my account of what I’ve been through and survived and the usefulness of that to others. I’m here to tell people to be informed and in control of their meds. Get a prescriber who partners and respects, is honest about what meds can or can’t do, and is careful around switching meds and proper tapers off them.

The remainder of this post is a listing of all my psych hospitalizations along with meds I was prescribed in those periods of years. Following that is a list of all psych meds I was prescribed over this same 4 decades and the problems I personally faced with each one. It’s my data, open to interpretation certainly, but it can’t be erased. And it won’t go away by ignoring me or labeling me as a propagandist or treating me like a forgotten person.

 *all remembered to my best ability or what I did record

All My Psych Hospitalizations (66 total)                                         



-Fairfax (once)

-Arlington (2 times)


-Northern VA Mental Health Institute (NVMHI) (once)


-Georgetown (once)

-St. Elizabeth’s, District of Columbia (once) for 2 weeks, then transferred

-to NVMHI for 2 additional months


2000-2003 (these were all in northern California)

-Alta Bates/Herrick (4 times)

-Mt. Diablo (3 times)

-Fremont (4 times)

-St. Helena (once)

-John George (4 times)

-Telecare Solano (once)

-Fairmont (3 times)



-Adventist, in Maryland (once)

-Dominion (2 times)

-Dominion, again (3 times)

-Linden Oaks, Illinois (went for 30-day self-harm treatment inpatient program)

-Psychiatric Institute, District of Columbia (3 times)


-Mt. Vernon (5 times)

-Dominion (8 times)

-LAMPS (7 times)

-Fairfax (3 times)

-Spotsylvania (2 times)

-Chippenham (once)

-NVMHI (2 times)


-Fairfax (2 times)


Meds Prescribed


no meds prescribed



different meds tried/switched include:

carbamazepine, divalproex, haloperidol, risperidone



àstopped seeing psych/got college degree

largely medicated on:

quetiapine, lithium

with trials on:

nortriptyline, bupropion, lurasidone, lamotrigine, fluoxetine, paroxetine, zaleplon




àgot clean & sober/moved in with parents/meds cut back to lithium, small dose quetiapine


largely medicated on:

quetiapine, lithium

with trials on:

olanzapine, ziprasidone



still on meds:

lithium, quetiapine

but all kinds of med switching outpatient and in on:

aripiprazole, benztropine, cariprazine, gabapentin, desvenlafaxine, duloxetine, naltrexone, pramipexole until I ended up on 7 at once plus 2 other meds for health issues they caused, and not to mention some ECT thrown in


no longer on meds; withdrawal issues

Psych Meds I’ve Been On (over 40-year Period) and My Issues with Them


-Aripiprazole (lost effect after a month, then set off autoimmune disorder IgA vasculitis)

-Benztropine (part of 7-drug psychotropic cocktail)

-Bupropion (made me excessively horny)

-Carbamazepine (tried for bipolar and it did nothing)

-Cariprazine (set off IgA vasculitis even worse – caused form of sleepwalking)

-Divalproex (tried for bipolar & did nothing)

-Desvenlafaxine (part of 7-drug cocktail; ramped up self-harm)

-Duloxetine (set off worst IgA vasculitis outbreak; scary itchy rash all over)

-Fluoxetine (destroyed any ability or desire to have sex)

-Gabapentin  (part of 7-drug cocktail)

-Haloperidol (rough drug; made me spacy and foggy)

-Imipramine (did nothing for me)

-Lamotrigine (did nothing for me)

-Lithium (part of 7-drug cocktail; bad on kidneys already compromised by vasculitis)

-Lurasidone (did nothing for me)

-Modafinil (given to me to combat how sleepy quetiapine made me)

-Naltrexone (part of 7-drug cocktail; was supposed to temper self-harm but failed)

-Nortriptyline (did nothing for me)

-Olanzapine (restless legs so bad I jumped from bed, hit head, got concussion)

-Paroxetine (killed sex drive)

-Pramipexole (part of 7-drug cocktail to treat RLS from quetiapine)

-Propranolol (don’t know why I was given this, but it dropped my blood pressure)

-Quetiapine (weight gain, constant drowsiness, killed natural ability to sleep; part of 7-drug cocktail)

-Risperidone (did nothing for me)

-Zaleplon (dd nothing for me)

-Ziprasidone (did nothing for me)

-Zolpidem (didn’t help with sleep after that was already messed up by quetiapine)


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