Art from...Art


I like taking art I've drawn or painted and turning it into more art, which I do using the computer. This usually involves cutting and pasting, copying, pasting, rotating images, then using filters, cropping, etc. until I'm finally at something new that I like.

This is a bunch I did recently, all art made while I was on psych units. The newer, computer manipulated images are first, followed by photos of the untouched originals.

All Eyes On

This was made by combining two originals:

Can We Fix Her

the original:

Every Night They Come to Attack

the original:

Faking Med Compliance Gets You Unlocked and Back Home

the original:

Remain Masters

the original:

In the Mind's Eye

the original:

No Way In, No Way Out

the original:

Paper Monuments to Ourselves

the two originals:

Finding Peace in the Chaos

the original:

Revealing Complexity

the original:

They Say You're a Danger

the original:

The Walking Fish

the original:

If you'd like, you can view more of my art during involuntary commitment by going to my September 1, 2021 blog post called "Art I Did at (Yes Another) Hospitalization".


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